Friday 26 April 2013

NOTE: Catching the SGF Agenda #sasgf13

I've never paid much attention to the SAS Global Forum (SGF) online agenda builder before. I've preferred the pen on paper approach, using the pull-out printed agenda in the conference programme. However, with the introduction of an Android version of the conference app this year, I can see the benefit of doing some planning and making life easier whilst at the conference.

So, I've just been through the whole agenda (yes, all 633 paper descriptions) and made a first cut of what I'd like to see or do. As a result I've filled my Twitter timeline with scores of tweets about my sessions choices - the agenda builder tweets every time you add a session to your agenda!

Inevitably I've double and triple booked myself, but I can iterate over my plans and make final decisions on the day. As always, there are some excellent topics and speakers. I won't be able to see all of them so I'll have to apply a degree of discipline to my choices. And I need to make sure I take time to make a good trawl of the demo area, speaking to the developers and product managers, and thereby getting information from the horses' mouths re: directions and futures for SAS products that are key to my clients.

This year I shall have a heightened interest in life sciences and clinical products, so SAS Drug Development (SDD), SAS Clinical Data Integration (CDI), and JMP Clinical are on my hit list.

So much to do, so little time in which to do it!

The good news is that I've already packed and so I'm ready to catch my flight tomorrow morning.