Wednesday 22 July 2015

NOTE: HTML 5 is in VA Hub Already!

Aside from comments about my SAS Enterprise Guide vs SAS Studio article, Metacoda's Michelle Homes (@HomesAtMetacoda) was quick to write a comment about my Flash & SAS Visual Analytics (VA) article and to point out that HTML5 is already an option for the VA Hub. Michelle said:
HTML 5 has been available as a configurable option in the hub in SAS VA 7.1 which was released in October 2014. Some information on this can be found at

SAS VA 7.2 has a nice HTML 5 hub by default.
As a Session Recap from a SAS Live Q&A session states (along with nice comparison screenshots):
in Visual Analytics 7.1, the Home Page can be displayed using Flash or HTML5. Someone who has the Visual Analytics: Administration role can change the vah.client.ui.mode property in SAS Management Console. On the Plug-ins tab, navigate to Application Management --> Configuration Manager --> SAS Application Infrastructure --> Visual Analytics. Right-click the node and select Properties to access Advanced properties. The vah.client.ui.mode property specifies which mode of the Home Page to use. The default value, classic, specifies to use Flash to display the Home Page. The alternate value, modern, specifies to use HTML5 to display the Home Page. Note that the vah.client.ui.mode property is a site-wide setting that affects all users.
To learn more about SAS VA Mobile BI and HTML5, the TechTalks video of Himesh Patel (Sr Director, Research and Development) from this year's SAS Global Forum is a good place to start.