Tuesday 18 September 2012

Whatever You Call It, It's All About People First

Achieve Intelligence (AI) just published its latest monthly news article. AI's monthly publications are all themed on building your Business Intelligence (BI) strategy. This month's publication is entitled "Capability Improvement – The Three P’s" and it describes the importance of people, process and plumbing in your strategy.
AI's monthly publications are long-overdue a mention in NOTE: because they are written by a team of people who have "got the T-shirt" in addition to going "there" and seeing "it"; plus, the publications are written in bite-sized chunks so you can take an actionable nugget of information from each monthly publication. Similar to NOTE:, you can visit the web site monthly, or you can request a convenient monthly email. I've not yet found a means to subscribe through RSS (many NOTE: readers use this approach).
Past publications from AI have included:
  • Why do I need a Business Intelligence Strategy?
  • How to Create a Business Intelligence Strategy
  • Reasons for chaos: before a Business Intelligence Strategy
  • Five Areas of Business Intelligence Strategy
  • Stakeholder Management
AI's topic this month is one that I visited myself a couple of years ago. In "Keys to Success: People, Process, Technology", I wrote about how people are the most important factor in the success of any endeavour, closely followed by the business processes that the people use to achieve their goals. I refer to the final element as "technology", AI prefers "plumbing", but our message is the same... no project or strategy can focus on technology alone.

If you'd like to receive some advice and challenges about BI strategy each month, subscribe to AI. Better still, invite them to visit you and discuss your BI strategy. You do have a clearly-expressed BI strategy, don't you?...